Easy Homemade Real Food

Easy Homemade Real Food

Easy homemade real food recipes are an alternative that you can apply to your lifestyle. Have you decided to try losing weight and eating healthier foods so that you feel better and your joints hurt less. Good. Now what? There’s no shortage of diets and diet advice out there.

What’s the best approach? According to a doctor, namely Roxanne B. Sukol, MD, MS, an internal medicine doctor with special expertise in chronic disease prevention, here are her suggestions. Dr. Sukol has spent much of his career exploring the impact of what people eat on their health and well-being, including his own.

Maintaining Immunity with Easy Homemade Real Food Recipes

She helps her patients and others find their own individual paths to sustainable ways to change their eating habits.

Understand the general strategies of most diets

Dr. Sukol says: I believe that many diets have one particular strategy in common, namely increasing the amount of real food people eat and reducing the number of calories produced, including omitted carbohydrates. Peeled carbohydrates have been processed by removing the most nutritious parts. For example, to make shelled white flour. Other carbohydrates are white rice, corn flour and sugar. It’s no coincidence that white flour, cornstarch, and powdered sugar look exactly the same, says Dr. Sukol. It had stripped away the original identity of the product, and all that was left was a pile of white powder.

What Are Real Food and Easy Homemade Real Food Recipes

Actually, what is real food? Real food comes in 11 types, says Dr. Sukol. These are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, milk, eggs, meat, fish and poultry which are healthy foods. That doesn’t mean that everyone will eat everything on the list. Some people have allergies (for example nuts), or certain intolerances (such as lactose or gluten). And some people choose not to eat some foods, such as vegetarians (who doesn’t eat meat or fish) or vegans (who also avoid eggs and dairy).

But if you want to nourish yourself, that is the choice, and everything else is entertainment. Dr. Sukol also said: I’m not saying you can’t eat comfort foods and not eliminate all treats. “If I go somewhere and there’s a plate of brownies, I’ll probably eat them,” he added. It’s about making a personal choice. How well do you want to be fed, and how much comfort food do you need to not feel deprived?

How to set realistic food goals

If you want to eat more nutritious foods, don’t try to make a complete change all at once. Trying to achieve perfection may be a recipe for failure. Dr Sukol recommends watching how many carbohydrates you eat for a week or two, and then deciding to lower them by a certain amount, perhaps 30%. And then try it. He also suggests replacing it with something you like. And he doesn’t focus on calories and portion sizes. Your brain can tell the difference between real food and entertainment, he says. If you feed yourself foods that nourish you, you won’t feel hungry. He encourages people to trust what they feel. Your body is telling you something, says Dr. Sukol.

What does Dr. Sukol?

People often make assumptions about what Dr. Sukol, with various thoughts that he might be vegan or following a paleo or Weight Watchers® diet. In one of his blog posts, he set the record straight. Here’s the short version:

Breakfast: I enjoy a cup of black coffee, a bowl of gazpacho (cold vegetable soup), and some strawberries.

Lunch: I often have leftovers from the night before, like soup or vegetables. It usually contains some nuts, tofu, chicken or fish. Or avocado, sprinkled with salt, or a bowl of homemade soup and a few pieces of fruit. An afternoon snack consists of nuts (any and all kinds), a piece of fruit and a piece of dark chocolate. I keep a small knife and cutting board at work for slicing things like tomatoes and cucumbers.

Dinner: I might have salmon, cod, bean soup, boiled eggs in tomato sauce, turkey meatballs, or canned tuna. There is always a green salad and one or more vegetables, one of which is green. Salad can consist of lettuce, olive oil, and a sprinkle of salt. There is the occasional sweet potato, quinoa, kasha or brown rice.

Nourish your body with real food using this simple and delicious guide that will help you avoid foods that are unnatural, unhealthy, and bad for you. Also, learn how real food can reverse au disease toimmune, replace prescription medications, cure hormonal imbalances, help you lose weight and make you feel great. After all, eating real food saves lives and helps reverse chronic autoimmune diseases and digestive problems, such as Leaky Gut (IBS), and heals hormonal imbalances, including PCOS, Insulin Resistance and Hypothyroidism.

Seriously, eating healthy foods, non-processed foods, fresh foods, whole foods, real foods is a game changer in your life. But what do all these terms actually mean? What is real food like?

Definition of Real Food and Easy Homemade Real Food Recipes

What is real food?

Simply put, real food is food as it is found in nature (single-ingredient foods are best, such as unprocessed and unaltered foods made without chemicals or additives). Real food is food that has stood the test of time (meaning previous generations ate that food). These are foods that nourish our bodies and minds with vitamins and minerals, and make us feel good after we eat them.

Real food is food that improves our health, not destroys it. Food is actually medicine. In fact, real food is better than drugs, real food is better than supplements. Our bodies absorb nutrients from food more easily than from supplements. And most important of all, real food actually treats the root cause of your symptoms, unlike prescription medications that simply mask your symptoms without addressing what’s causing them in the first place.

Real food is synonymous with organic food because organic food essentially means pure, no additives, no pesticides, no waste. It’s just the food. That’s the difference between real food tomatoes and conventional tomatoes. Note: This does not apply to processed snack foods labeled organic. Some people may argue that real food is a paleo, or paleolithic diet. Not to disagree, but we don’t think you need to go so far as to eliminate entire food groups, like dairy and grains, to eat real food.

We believe that all foods found in nature belong to a true food camp. All real foods that are made naturally that’s how true food groups are defined. As the concept goes, a square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square. The paleo diet is real food, but not all real foods are considered paleo. Real food is food that is not just part of the paleo diet. If you are interested in consuming real food, of course you need to start collecting easy homemade real food recipes for you to put into practice in your life.